Hosting Services

Hosting Services

A. Requirements

1. You will need a valid trade license if you are applying for domain names for your company to protect the copy right law, or your company’s name being registered by other.
2. Organizations and government offices applying for a domain name will need a signed letter from the head of the organization/office as a proof for the domain being registered.

B. Procedures & Rates (National)

1. For Domain Registration service, you need to fill up the form and submit it to the nearest Telecom Exchange counter.
2. You will need a valid trade license if you are applying for domain names for your company to protect the copy right law, or your company’s name being registered by other.
3. Organizations and government offices applying for a domain name will need a signed letter from the head of the organizaion/office as a proof for the domain being registered.
Domain Registration Level Price(in Nu.)
2nd level 1000 for 1 year
3rd level 500 for 1 year
C. Procedures & Rates (International)

International companies can register .bt domain name in your company’s name on providing proof of documents qualifying for registration like a registered trade license along with an application with the company’s letterhead and seal.
We accept the domain name abbreviation of the company and the minimum number of character accepted for a domain name is three.
To secure a domain name , domain name with multiple extentions – .bt , , , etc can be registered.
* USD 100 per year for 2nd level domain(exclusive of bank transfer charges).
* USD 75 per year for 3rd level domain(exclusive of bank charges).

D. Domain Forwarding

Customers who have registered .bt domain names with us can host websites outsides(other Services Providers in the country as well as Internationally).
Tariff : NU 1,000 per year

Webhosting Plans

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Nu. 10,050 Nu. 6,500 Nu. 3,500 Nu. 2,250
5 GB Storage 2 GB Storage 2 GB Storage 500 MB Storage
1 Domain 1 Domain 1 Domain 1 Domain
1 Database 1 Database 1 Database 1 Database
50 Email Accounts 20 Email Accounts 20 Email Accounts 5 Email accounts

Bhutan Telecoms Web Hosting Services allows individuals, companies and organizations to provide their own websites to share data and information. By availing such services, you are provided with a space on our web server for your use and a 24/7 Internet connectivity.

Bhutan Telecom Limited provides email hosting services for any domains registered with BT. With this you will be able to have a This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , which will be hosted in BT, maintained round the clock, with latest virus detection and cleaning software installed for protections from email viruses.The mail hosting, has two features, pop mail and the web based web mail which can be checked from

Mail Customization

The mail administration can be done via web by the mail administrator, from, creating of email boxes, skin modification of your web based mail, mailbox quotas, and many more functions.

Packages Available

The mail administration can be done via web by the mail administrator, from , creating of email boxes, skin modification of your web based mail, mailbox quotas, and many more functions.

Email Hosting Plans

Email Boxes Price (in NU) Validity
30 mail boxes of 1GB each Nu. 3100 1 Year
100 mail boxes of 1GB each Nu. 7500 1 Year


To avail Mail Hosting service, you will need to fill up a form and submit it to the nearest Telecom Exchange counter.


You will need to have a domain name registered under .bt, to avail this service.
The domain registration charge is charged separately from the mail hosting charges.

Group Email Service

Email Group Plans

No of e-mails in a group Tariff (Nu)/Year
5 Nu. 700
10 Nu. 1000
15 Nu. 1250